There are a number of options for replacing a missing tooth, including a simple single implant, which mimics the look and function of a natural tooth and does not require altering any other teeth in the process.
Another option is a tooth-supported bridge, which is a possibility when there are teeth on either side of the missing tooth. A bridge is a fixed solution, but has the disadvantage of altering adjacent teeth that may be perfectly healthy.
The cheapest way to replace a missing tooth or teeth is to use a removable denture, which is a snap-in type tooth replacement. People who get removable partials or dentures often struggle to chew or even wear them for appearances sake and commonly are disillusioned with the final result. Conventional dentures also need to be removed and cleaned on a daily basis. However, people sometimes wear a temporary denture while waiting to get a dental implant or bridge.
The cheapest option is dentures or some form of removable replacement, like a partial. Getting a removable denture is a relatively fast, inexpensive process and doesn’t require surgery but dentures have innumerable and significant drawbacks.
They don’t look natural and most people find them extremely uncomfortable to wear.. Dentures also need to be removed and cleaned daily. They are fragile and easily broken plus, they will need to be replaced or relined on an ongoing basis.
These days there are much better options available and dental implants are the anchors used for these makeovers.
The cheapest option is to do nothing, but that’s never a good idea.
This is because surrounding teeth will shift to fill the gap.
If this happens you’ll find it even more difficult to chew and prevent future tooth decay. Bone loss will occurs over time and this can create even more dental problems with the jaws and teeth. Also, imagine the aging effects this can create on the patient’s overall physical and facial appearances.
Technological advancements have made dental implants or other implant-supported solutions the best option, even if they aren’t the least expensive.